Product Features
Through a convenient, professional, and relatively standard satellite mission control system, the threshold for satellite use is lowered and the efficiency of satellite use is improved.
Help users focus more on their core business development.
Unified system architecture
Adopts the basic technology architecture of the Internet's major manufacturers. The user interface has a unified style, a unified process, and a unified operation. Complex business logic and implementation are processed and displayed uniformly in the background.
Constellation satellite classification management
It supports large-scale constellation control and management, and batch management of similar satellites. The constellation realizes the coordination of different tasks by the constellation through unified processing requirements.
Single star precise automatic control
The single star realizes various task modes and daily automated operation and maintenance needs through automated and precise command control.
On the ground or in space point+area mission planning
Visible light + radar + multispectral + infrared and other types of satellites
communication satellite
Push broom, gaze, three-dimensional imaging, bunching, strip splicing, high maneuverability side swing and other planning
Orbital mobility planning
Communication coverage and communication routing link
Integrated commercial ground station resources
Support space-based data transmission and measurement and control resource expansion
Automated execution of daily tasks
For normalized observation requirements, automated execution from requirements to instructions can be realized. Free operators from tedious and mechanical operations.
Safe and reliable operating environment
Use measures such as https, data encryption and compression, and permission management to make the system more secure and reliable.
Standard XIN API extension
Multi-type API library supports seamless connection with your satellite system.